beautiful picture

beautiful picture

Welcome to the stories of my life...

I just want to humbley welcome and thank all of those that take the time to read what I write..Idon't have a particular theme at any given time...just write what I feel compelled to write at the time...Please if you read my blogs ..leave a comment..I would love to know what you think...thanks again and enjoy the journey....

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Heres to a New Year 2013...

Well two years ago I wasn't sure where I would be..In April of 2011 I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure ...A fib..and was told I needed open heart August of the same year I was called "a  miracle" by my cardiologist Dr. Thomas Diaz after he told me I no longer needed open heart that time I had lost 40 pounds and was taking better care of myself..I made it through the year 2011. In January 2012 I was very sick and my daughter Jeanell after consulting with my older daughter Davina made me go to the ER...I was told I had pneumonia and even worse than that I had almost "bled out"..I had 4 units of blood left in me where the normal being has 11...whoa...!! so I was admitted and had to have 7 units of blood pumped back into me..I was in ICU for 2 days...I was being treated also for the pneumonia and after a weeks stay I was allowed to go home...I also have 2 stomach ulcers and in March had to have a second endoscopy to see if the medication had helped to reduce or eliminate them...they were still there so the medication for the most part I was doing okay in 2012 after the first three here we are January 1, 2013 and I am grateful to be here...although I had lost 90 pounds..I gained a few back and am working on getting them back off..I see the cardiologist every three months or so and next time I will have an electrocardiogram done to make sure the ole ticker is hanging in there..I need to do better with the foods I eat..but I need someone to get the right foods for me..I could eat salads all day long..fruits and vegetables are fine with them and have gotten used to them..I hardly eat any choclaote anymore , which used to be a real big downfall of mine..eating three 3 musketeer bars a day faithfully ...I like actually eating healthy...and if done right you will feel full and lose the weight without much sacrifice or effort.....So God if you will see to it that I stay the course we can do another year with no problem..I have much to do and lots to see yet...I would love to meet you one day,,but am not in a hurry to do are with me always and I already know you...I thank you for my lifes journey so far..for the ups and downs for I've learned from them all..for my four children...for my seven wondrful , beautiful , adorable grandchildren..I would love to live to be the oldest living being one day please..I want to see the grandchildren grow up, do what they want in life,,I am curious to see what each one will choose to do...who will marry and have children..which one will find the cure for one of the many diseases known to man...which one will become president..this is my prayer...Thank you and Amen....

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