beautiful picture

beautiful picture

Welcome to the stories of my life...

I just want to humbley welcome and thank all of those that take the time to read what I write..Idon't have a particular theme at any given time...just write what I feel compelled to write at the time...Please if you read my blogs ..leave a comment..I would love to know what you think...thanks again and enjoy the journey....

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I can't even imagine what I would have done with all of these hours that I have spent on Bonanzle..What if that one day I didn't go into the Harley neighborhood on Ebay and see this post from a person who was sounding down and out and at the end of her rope...Her house was going into foreclosure.. this and that and the other was going on with her ex..and omg..Well I knew she had a store on Ebay so I decided to go check it out..I saw a "lot" of 100 pair of alpaca silver dangle earrings for a very reasonable price...I wanted them but didn't have the money that particular I told her I wanted them..she told me she also had them in her booth on BONANZLE.. First thing I thought was "What the hell is a BONANZLE?" I clicked the link she gave me and I went in to explore...Since I am also a seller on Ebay and really tired of their policies anymore I was looking for another venue to sell my wares I signed on to Bonanzle and the next day I started listing and the rest as they say is History..I have been there a little over a year and have sold 175 items ..far more than on ebay..

But although that sounds grand...thats really not the most important part to me...Sure I want to sell and make a few dollars..I like doing that..but I like the friendships I have made there..Its the God's honest soon as something happens I want to go tell my friends on Bonanzle and most of the time I do..I go and start threads on who knows what...I have friends in real life but don't get to see them on the phone occssionally..Truth be told I need something to do..I'm all growed up now...Lol and I need something that I'm interested in..I like making jewelry..there are so many people out there making jewelry..and so much competition on any venue I would choose to sell on...some beautiful jewelry out there too...

Today is the Big Bonanza Block Party on bonanzle..Mine starts at 12 Pacific time which is 3 eastern time..thats in about 15 minutes....If I could make one good sale I would be happy..I just bought a shirt and a velour jacket for my oldest daughter...

So as a footnote to this whole blog is that the person who first introduced me to Bonanzle I noticed no longer sells on there..I lost touch with her and I wish she would look me up..I am at the same place...But I did thank her at one time letting her know I was doing great and this was what I was looking for ...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Not sure How I should feel..I called my brother..

Yeah I was really angry that he didn't show up for Christmas..we grew up having the best Christmas's in the world..we did well..every Christmas we went to mommom and poppops ..might have been maybe three times that they came to our house..we only lived a few blocks from each other...we always made out great...Scotty was the one who handed out the gifts to everyone...did it all the way until we had our last family Christmas the year my grandmom sold her home and moved into a Mennonite retirement home ...her brother was there and lots of people she went to elementary school with..I swear ..I kid you not...I'm not sure of the year but I'm thinking 1995 or so....Scott and his then girlfriend Pat (they just broke up after 18 years...never lived together..never engaged..neve married to each other...)came down and my other brother Barry and his wife and 2 children at the time...we had fun...Then that was it...My brohter Barry and his family and my family became estranged in 2002 after the reading of my grandmothers will..He swears me and Scotty had something to do with the way things turned out..but I swear we didn't..No one ever talked to me about a will per say..I wouldn't have understood or been interested anyway..So it is what it is...I remember talking to Scotty on Thanksgiving...this was the first Thanksgiving he spent without Pat and he was just home watching TV...I called him and he told me he was going to the doctors for depression..but the thought never occured to me when he didnt show up for Christmas that that had anything to do with it..I talked to a friend whom he keeps in touch with and she lives near him..I told her to tell him thanks for not showing up..that I was upset...she just told him that I was dissappointed that he didnt show up...that was cool..she said he was home on Christmas csuse thats where he needed to then I wasn't as angry..I was I called him and I cried..cause I'm a cryer and I can't help just I cried.....he apologized and said hes feeling better and promised he would show up for the next thing I invited him to...I said cool and we said talk to you later....I feel better ...