Well last Wednesday Scott(my youngest brother) called from his work cell phone and said he was in the neighborhood and could he stop by...I said sure and within 10 minutes he was here..It was great to see him as usual..and he looked good..a bit grayer (used to be a carrot top)..hes still thin as always of course..a little pot belly..he didnt get the "fat gene". so we chit chatted and took a few pictures with the new camera I got from my daughter for Christmas...I love my camera...I don't like my picture taken so none of them pictures were good enough for me...my hair was back..no make up on...not even a bra...lol...he told me a few things that he found out about my other brother and said he was gonna call our mother for some legal reasons...business from the death of my grandmother 9 years ago.....the three of us are now all in our 50's and each of us has health issues...we havent spoken to or hadnt seen our brother in almost 9 years...I asked Scotty to ask my mom for our other brothers address that I would love to try to get in touch with them..to see how they're doing...he didnt say anything as he went down the steps to leave....I love you we said to each other like we always say in person and on the phone...I thought about our visit for a long time after he left..I always liked seeing him...he is 5 years younger than me and he is truly my baby brother...
A few days after Scotty's visit I posted this on facebook....
My phone rings tonight and its an unfamiliar number...I don't usually answer a number I dont't recognize...but I answered...the voice on the other end says."Brenda, do you know who this is?' don't know why I didn't recognize the voice right away..., I said , "who is it" , she says "Carol".. I cried..my sister in law whom I havent heard from in 8 years...we talked for 2 hours...its a good thing...
I am only posting my comments from the thread..since I dont have the permission of others that commented...
yeah it was a shock. we grew apart after a family incident..we are all in our 50's now and its time to grow old together..thats the plan...
saw my youngest brother the other day after 2 years...what the heck is going on..must be in the stars...
we all have health issues too and I said its time we got serious and take care of ourselves so we can get old old together and our kids can get back together..their youngest son(Dominic) was 7 when I last saw him hes 15 now and remembers me and hollered thru the phone.." I love you Aunt Brenda..."
that's awesome...my kids have cousins their age they could be playing with :((written by my youngest daughter Jeanell)
woke up off and on all night , like I usually do anyway, but had lots of thoughts and pictures of my brother and sister in law and neices and nephew and their kids on my mind...we are in our 50's now and gray and its been 8 years...we've all changed and the kids are grown and its scary and exciting all at the same time....
Its about time u 2 talk( written by my brother Scotty...refering to me and Carol talking..)
barry called first scott (my other brother ..to those that dont know..the one I saw just the other day and showed his pic on here...lol)...and left a message...I didnt see it..then carol called and for some reason I picked up....
Carol and I were friends in junior high and high school...we went to each others pajama parties and to us my brothers were just little punk kids at the time...funny a few years later she wound up marrying my brother Barry....small world...
funny thing about this whole thing is ...my sister in law called my mother the night of the day that my brother Scotty had called her for legal reasons...and he must have told her that he visited me and must have told her MY health issues (he has a few of his own)...so when Carol called my mother must have told Carol about MY health issues because one of the first things Carol said to me was "Barry tried to call you earlier, he left you a message, we were worried about your health", this is after not speaking for 9 years...Carol got my phone number from my mother who never, ever called me once in life) ...so I ask you my readers...Why didn't my mother call me to inquire about my health....?? I am 58 years old (in about 3 weeks) and she is 78...shes not been a part of my life ...she felt it neccessary to let Carol know about my health..but she wasnt worried enough to call me herself...I swear I never did anything to my mother..I wasn't a kid that got into a LOT of trouble..I grew up in the 60's so take it from there...I had an excellent childhood....my mom was part of my chlldhood...we never really hung out or anything..I am the only daughter...and she is an only child...her and her mother got closer the older my mom got...my grandmother worked all of her life and my mom had lots of babysitters etc...my mother and i grew apart the older I got...she doesnt know my kids..she's seen them and has been in the same room with them and has broken bread with them...we had Christmas at her moms (my favorite person in my life) forever...and me and my chldren would visit my grandmother as often as I could..I worked a lot ..supporting four children on my own...and we would see my mother and her boyfriend on a Sunday if they happened to stop by for dinner on their way home from the mountains...shes never had a conversation with one of my children...and out of my 7 grandchildren she has only ever seen one..the oldest..who is now 16 and my mother hasnt seen her in 9 years ..in those 9 years I had 6 more grandchildren...my mom only lives 45 minutes away from me and we have never been invited to her home..I have invited her here but shes never accepted...and so the story goes...will continue later...
Tonight.. Thursday Feb. 24, 2011 my oldest brother Barry called me and we talked a long time ...until his cell died...then he called me back on my sister in laws phone...its been almost 9 years since we talked...he told me his doctor told him to go to the ER tonight or right to his office first thing in the morning..hes going in the morning ..he called our mom right before he called me and he was acting like he was saying goodbye to us...Carol (sister in law) tells me hes giving up...I asked him why hes giving up...we could have at least 40 more years if we just take care of ourselves..we both need to lose lots of weight...We can do this though..He was breathing hard just talking to me on the phone..he was trying to lay down and couldnt breathe...we are not going to live much longer if we keep going on like this..I have to do this ..and then maybe he will do it too...we have to maybe inspire one another...I have 7 grandchildren and he has 4...10 of those 11 are 9 years old and under...one is 16...Barry has a 15 year old son....why does he want to give up?? Don't give up...getting healthy will give us something to do...we will feel better...and thats what I'm looking forward too...Let's do this...
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