It's been months since I've blogged about anything...recently my puter has been down..A lot of people reading this may already know what I have been going through the last few months..At the end of April I had to be rushed to the hospital because of shortness of had been going on for a few days but I kept taking cold meds thinking thats what it was...not sure why I thought that..since I am overweight and on high blood pressure meds...which by the way I hadn't been taking for a few months because my doctor wanted me to come in for a re-evaluation after being on the same meds for 10 years...I didn't want to go to the doctors so I stupidly just stopped with the meds...cause they all needed to be refilled and the doctor had to either call it in or write me a new prescription...
I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure...had a severe leaky valve and an uneven heat beat...I stayed in the hospital for 6 days and was sent home with 6 different medications to take...was told I needed open heart surgery..which entails about a 5 hour operation...on a heart and lung machine...a 12 inch incision on my chest...imagine laying in bed each night anticipating this...and to know your children are out in the waiting room waiting for some word on the progress of the surgery...just heartbreaking and I cried a lot...
After being sent home ...things changed for sure...I no longer craved chocolate like I was so addicted too..I was eating a full cake in a day by myself occassionally...every day I needed 3 3 I no longer even want diet has way less salt and I dont really even miss it..there are so many other seasonings you can use to make up for the lack of salt...and you just get used to it...I am eating way less only because I want less...don't for some reason have the same is November 16, 2011..and since May I have lost 56 wasn't even hard to do...and thats without hardly any exercise...because of the degenerative arthritis in my knees I am limited to what I can do as far as exercise is concerned...I do what I can do ....I make myself do exercise and try to get up and clean...I still get out of breath ..even just walking to the bathroom which is about 10 steps away...I get dizzy a lot and have to take lots of naps bacause of the meds....On August 11 I had an appointment with the best cardiologist ever...DR. Thomas Diaz and he did an electrocardiogram on me and came in the room afterwards with the biggest smile on his face and sat down...crossed his legs and said.." I didn't do anything...but you are a miracle...""you no longer need open heart surgery...." the leak is so small now..." Of course being the crier that I am ...I cried...I was shocked at first but cry came to me...My youngest daughter and her 2 children Dallas and Dellaney were with me this day .. they were waiting in Dr. Diaz's office for me ...I went in and told them the good news and told Dallas and Dellaney that this was because of them....and Dallas raised his right arm and said "YES"...they had the biggest smiles on their was just a great day....
I continue to lose weight and take my meds...I have a LAB TECH come out to my home once a month to take blood because I am on Coumadin and it has to be monitored...I am on the smallest amount one can take..I take 1 1/2 mg one day then 1 mg the next and so on....that seems to be the formula that works to keep my blood in check...I hope one day I can get off of some of these meds....
I am still cautious and I know that just like the leak could maximize again...I'm trying to do things I havent done in a long time...this weekend I hope to be going to watch my granddaughter Dellaney walk in a Thanksgiving parade with her ballet class...she is 6 years old and this will be her second time walking in this parade in Mayfair in Philadelphia...its spose to be a nice day...not too hopefully that all turns out..
We will be gathering at my youngest daughters home this Thanksgiving all seven of the grands can visit one another....and I miss my oldest daughter and her kids...been awhile since I've seen them....the last few years we were all just ataying at our own homes for Thanksgiving ...but this year we want to get together..and we will for Christmas like we always do....can't wait...have a new lease on life now and just want to be around family and enjoy them while I Can...
today is Monday September 24, 2012 and I would like to update this story..
As of this date I have lost 90 pounds and am doing better..In january of this year(2012) I was deathly sick ..I slept for 3 days straight and didnt eat a thing..when I got up to go to the bathroom I was dizzy and needed help.My daughter (I was staying with her at this time) kept telling me to let her take me to the hospital..I kept saying "No, I will be okay">.then she called my oldest daughter and she called my primary doctor..they said to get me right to the hospital because of my heart history they didn't even want me to get a I struggled to walk 10 steps to the car ...In the Er..I was given countless tests and they found out that first of all I had pneumonia and my hemoglobin was at a 4 ..normal is 11...I had lost all that blood without even knowing it..I also have 2 ulcers they probably from taking coumadin and aspirin.I was close to I was of course admitted and they started transfusing blood..I stayed a week of this date I am doing better ..go to the doctors regularly, espeically the cardiologist and have tests done to keep me healthy..I eat more fruits and vegetables..I gained a few pounds back but am working on losing them and more..I want to live to be at least 90,,,I have 7 grandchildren and I want to be around to see what they do..I was blessed (and she thought the same way) to have my grandmother in my life until I was 50 and she was 90...she would still be here had she not fallen getting up off of the toilet in her retirement home ..she passed away 13 days week to the day of her 90th birthday...I am thankful for each day ..I thank God every night and all through the day..and when I wake in the morning the first thing I say is THANK YOU...I try to spend as much time with family as I can....
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
How much does a miracle cost???
When ya think you have a full inspirational....
A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet. She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes.
Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall’s Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door.
She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise.
Nothing. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good.
Finally, she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it! ‘And what do you want?’ the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice.
I’m talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven’t seen in ages,’ he said without waiting for a reply to his question.
‘Well, I want to talk to you about my brother,’ Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone.
’He’s really, really sick…and I want to buy a miracle.’
‘I beg your pardon?’ said the pharmacist.
‘His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So, how much does a miracle cost?’
‘We don’t sell miracles here, little girl. I’m sorry but I can’t help you,’ the pharmacist said, softening a little.
‘Listen, I have the money to pay for it! If it isn’t enough, I will get the rest. Just tell me how much it costs.’
The pharmacist’s brother was a well dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, ‘What kind of a miracle does your brother need?’
‘I don’t know,’ Tess replied with her eyes welling up. ‘I just know he’s really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can’t pay for it, so I want to use my money.’
‘How much do you have?’ asked the man from Chicago. ‘One dollar and eleven cents,’ Tess answered barely audibly. ‘And it’s all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to.’
‘Well, what a coincidence,’ smiled the man. ‘A dollar and eleven cents—-the exact price of a miracle for little brothers.’
He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said ‘Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let’s see if I have the miracle you need.’
That well dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery.
The operation was completed free of charge and it wasn’t long until Andrew was home again and doing well. Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place.
‘That surgery,’ her Mom whispered. ‘was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost?’
Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle cost…one dollar and eleven cents….plus the faith of a little child.
In our lives, we never know how many miracles we will need. A miracle is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law.
A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet. She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes.
Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall’s Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door.
She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise.
Nothing. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good.
Finally, she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it! ‘And what do you want?’ the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice.
I’m talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven’t seen in ages,’ he said without waiting for a reply to his question.
‘Well, I want to talk to you about my brother,’ Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone.
’He’s really, really sick…and I want to buy a miracle.’
‘I beg your pardon?’ said the pharmacist.
‘His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So, how much does a miracle cost?’
‘We don’t sell miracles here, little girl. I’m sorry but I can’t help you,’ the pharmacist said, softening a little.
‘Listen, I have the money to pay for it! If it isn’t enough, I will get the rest. Just tell me how much it costs.’
The pharmacist’s brother was a well dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, ‘What kind of a miracle does your brother need?’
‘I don’t know,’ Tess replied with her eyes welling up. ‘I just know he’s really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy can’t pay for it, so I want to use my money.’
‘How much do you have?’ asked the man from Chicago. ‘One dollar and eleven cents,’ Tess answered barely audibly. ‘And it’s all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to.’
‘Well, what a coincidence,’ smiled the man. ‘A dollar and eleven cents—-the exact price of a miracle for little brothers.’
He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said ‘Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let’s see if I have the miracle you need.’
That well dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon, specializing in neurosurgery.
The operation was completed free of charge and it wasn’t long until Andrew was home again and doing well. Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place.
‘That surgery,’ her Mom whispered. ‘was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost?’
Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle cost…one dollar and eleven cents….plus the faith of a little child.
In our lives, we never know how many miracles we will need. A miracle is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sept 11th (NY) Jan 11th (Haiti) and March 11th (Japan).... Weird. Luke 21:10-11Then Jesus said to his disciples : "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes', famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. 'Jesus says for behold I come quickly,' So ask yourself, are you ready?
this was my post to the WOE nightly thread on Bonanza.. the question or theme for the evening was If you could turn back time ..what would you change or do different...
Hi Deb…I have to think about first when I read the topic the first thing that came to my mind was that I could turn back time to where my grandmother fell in the bathroom…I wish I could turn back the time and not let that happen..that fall ultimately took her life 13 days later…exactly one week after her 90th birthday..I had spoken to her on the phone before the accident and we talked about her getting ready to turn 90 and that I had just turned 50…she was ever so grateful to have lived to see her oldest grandchild be 50..she said a lot of grandmothers dont get that..but she said she wanted to stick around awhile to see what happens..she was not ready to go…then the fall
my grandmother was my superstar…she loved me like no one else on earth…I miss her terribly..its been 8 years…she was so healthy..went to the doctors once a year for a physical..whatever the doctor told her to do…she did…she always like a little scoop of Breyers Vanilla ice cream after dinner..but her cholesterol was up and the doctor told her to cut back and she did…she was so disciplined..I have none of that..her daughter is my mother and my mother and I have always had a strained relationship…I havent seen my mother since my grandmothers funeral 8 years ago…didnt mean to be a bummer here..and its not meant to be…just brought back some great memories.
The update on this story is that my mother has since passed away..we never did get to have that lunch I thought we should have had in our older mother just wanted to be left alone..and without going into detail (that will be another story later when I get the courage to write it) she ultimately died alone..its a sad story and will take everything in me to write it..but I will one day write it.. but for now I go on with my life and be the best mother and grandmother that I can be ..leaving a legacy of love in spite of my relationship with my mother..I had my grandmother and my father ..I was my fathers princess..and he encouraged me in everything I did..I lost him when he was just 60 years old..the age I will be in 6 weeks..way too soon and I miss them both immensely..but am comforted in knowing they are both watching over me and my family..and that one day I will see them happy that will be..I hope its not for at least another 40 years..
Hi Deb…I have to think about first when I read the topic the first thing that came to my mind was that I could turn back time to where my grandmother fell in the bathroom…I wish I could turn back the time and not let that happen..that fall ultimately took her life 13 days later…exactly one week after her 90th birthday..I had spoken to her on the phone before the accident and we talked about her getting ready to turn 90 and that I had just turned 50…she was ever so grateful to have lived to see her oldest grandchild be 50..she said a lot of grandmothers dont get that..but she said she wanted to stick around awhile to see what happens..she was not ready to go…then the fall
my grandmother was my superstar…she loved me like no one else on earth…I miss her terribly..its been 8 years…she was so healthy..went to the doctors once a year for a physical..whatever the doctor told her to do…she did…she always like a little scoop of Breyers Vanilla ice cream after dinner..but her cholesterol was up and the doctor told her to cut back and she did…she was so disciplined..I have none of that..her daughter is my mother and my mother and I have always had a strained relationship…I havent seen my mother since my grandmothers funeral 8 years ago…didnt mean to be a bummer here..and its not meant to be…just brought back some great memories.
The update on this story is that my mother has since passed away..we never did get to have that lunch I thought we should have had in our older mother just wanted to be left alone..and without going into detail (that will be another story later when I get the courage to write it) she ultimately died alone..its a sad story and will take everything in me to write it..but I will one day write it.. but for now I go on with my life and be the best mother and grandmother that I can be ..leaving a legacy of love in spite of my relationship with my mother..I had my grandmother and my father ..I was my fathers princess..and he encouraged me in everything I did..I lost him when he was just 60 years old..the age I will be in 6 weeks..way too soon and I miss them both immensely..but am comforted in knowing they are both watching over me and my family..and that one day I will see them happy that will be..I hope its not for at least another 40 years..
PET PEEVES (not written by me)
What is a pet peeve? A peeve is usually a feeling of resentment, or maybe even a grievance. Pet peeves, then, are annoyances that never fail to put you in that mood of resentment. They also tend to be a matter of opinion, and are linked to your personality.
Pet peeves can raise your blood pressure faster than salty potato chips. What can you do?
This is an especially strong pet peeve when coming from anyone younger than you are. Wouldn’t it be nice to counteract all of the rudeness in the world with the perfect comeback? Cheer up; “whatever” is a fad word and sure to become “so yesterday” any day now. We can only hope.
The attitude behind it is the problem. Brush it off if you think it was used as the young person’s attempt to be funny or hip, and back off if it was his way of saying, “You have pushed me too far.” In more disrespectful situations, you might try feigning deafness or act clueless to deflate the punchline effect. “Whatever, what? What does that mean?”
Talking Through the Movie
What can be worse than watching a movie with someone who insists on talking about it as you watch, and sometimes revealing what is about to come next? This is bad enough if it is someone sitting behind you in the movie theatre; it is even worse if it is your own friend or partner.
The answer: ear plugs. Smile and nod pleasantly, and giggle at the appropriate moments.
4. Gum Smacking
You could make up your own Dr. House-ism: “Wow, you look amazingly like the Jersey cow my parents bought me that I never wanted.” Well, perhaps sarcasm is not the polite response. Instead of screaming maniacally with insanity, picture the person as a Jersey cow. (Maniacal laughter is slightly more satisfying.)
5. Food Taken Off Your Plate
After wolfing down his food in three seconds, your partner then goes for yours. Apart from stabbing his fingers with your fork, you might suggest that you will happily share if he will ask first.
6. Lousy Drivers
Other drivers on the road can definitely be a pet peeve for many, especially those who are in a big hurry, honk at you as soon as the light turns green, ride your bumper in a 35 mph zone, or dart in front of you without signaling.
If you don’t need to drive, then ride the bus. If you do need to drive, go out of your way to avoid a busy highway. Country roads can be particularly peaceful, unless you get stuck behind one of those barn-size tractors going five miles an hour.
7. Waiters with Bad Timing
Effusive waiters are a little easier to take than those who abandon you completely. It is easier to understand why they park themselves casually in a seat and start chatting. You know they are working really hard to get that substantial tip.
Some people actually like that kind of thing – how is he to know you have about five miles of personal space floating around you? There is no excuse for the negligent waiter. Flag down the busboy and give the tip to him after he hustles up some help.
8. Know-It-Alls
What is worse than people who say “I know” after you explain something. Especially when you know there is no way they can really know. OK, maybe they did know, but it was rude of them not to pretend they didn’t so you could tell your little anecdote or share your fact. (Now who is the know-it-all?) People who stick their nose into your business, however, are a peevishly different matter.
Miss Manners (aka etiquette guru Judith Martin) recommends looking shocked and repeating “Excuse me?” until they leave you alone.
9. Toothpaste Globs
You thought the toilet paper and toilet seat would be here, but this is decidedly more irritating. When this happens, assign the sink-cleaning chore to the guiltiest parties.
10. Untrained Baggers
This is a common pet peeve unless you do not have issues with mashed bread, cold and warm items sacked together, and cleaning products thrown in with any type of food – well, who doesn’t have a problem with that? The baggers, evidently, must have been trained for speed rather than categorization.
Place the items on the conveyor belt as you would like them to be packed together. Stand next to the bagger and give polite direction, or take your own cloth bags; then you will likely be left to happily bag your own.
11. “Made in China”
This has nothing to do with Chinese culture or actual people, but with economics. When the almighty dollar is more important than the economic future of our nation … Well that is another topic. Buy American, if you can find it. And if you cannot, ask to speak to the store manager or owner and request more American-made products.
12. Faulty Fast-Food Communication Systems.
When some devices are on their last leg, hearing and being heard is of such a poor quality that it would be funny if it was not so irksome.
Upon reaching the drive-through window of a McDonalds in Harrisonville, Missouri, after a particularly taxing order, we asked the elderly lady if her job was difficult. She nodded and said, “I have been a bus driver and took care of two sets of twins.
This job is the most stressful thing I have ever done.” But by the time we passed to the next window, she was smiling. It helps to show sympathy and understanding to service personnel.
13. Discontinued Products
It is a major pet peeve to find the perfect shade of lipstick, flavor of toothpaste, shampoo product – and then it is discontinued. Two words: Stock up.
14. People Touching Your Food or Drink
It can irk you when you notice someone touch the rim of your glass when handing it to you. Or how about a server who touches your food as she sets it down? Have you ever seen people lean over your plate or drink as they talk?
OCD sufferers will sympathize. Germs and bodily fluids are to be feared above all! (Can we have a show of hands for all those who call themselves Adrian Monk?) There is no reason to become hyper in your response; a simple and polite request should do it. Preaching about germs might help, too. It will not change all of the care-free people around you, but you will gain a reputation and people will begin to respect your territory.
Whether you are a janitor, professor, editor or dentist, you have your own set of pet peeves. Your pet peeve likely leaves you feeling peevish because you are helpless to do anything about it, or the objects of your pet peeves refuse to change their behavior. Likely you have come up with your own coping skills, but if the objects of your pet peeves still drive you up the wall, try laughter.
Are You A Stress Case?
Jobs, bosses, colleagues, family, money, and time...stress creeps into life from all angles. Do you ever wonder if you are a stress case? Do you know the symptoms of stress? Take this stress quiz to discover how you might react to various stress-related scenarios and learn ways to reduce stress.
If you don’t need to drive, then ride the bus. If you do need to drive, go out of your way to avoid a busy highway. Country roads can be particularly peaceful, unless you get stuck behind one of those barn-size tractors going five miles an hour.
7. Waiters with Bad Timing
Effusive waiters are a little easier to take than those who abandon you completely. It is easier to understand why they park themselves casually in a seat and start chatting. You know they are working really hard to get that substantial tip.
Some people actually like that kind of thing – how is he to know you have about five miles of personal space floating around you? There is no excuse for the negligent waiter. Flag down the busboy and give the tip to him after he hustles up some help.
8. Know-It-Alls
What is worse than people who say “I know” after you explain something. Especially when you know there is no way they can really know. OK, maybe they did know, but it was rude of them not to pretend they didn’t so you could tell your little anecdote or share your fact. (Now who is the know-it-all?) People who stick their nose into your business, however, are a peevishly different matter.
Miss Manners (aka etiquette guru Judith Martin) recommends looking shocked and repeating “Excuse me?” until they leave you alone.
9. Toothpaste Globs
You thought the toilet paper and toilet seat would be here, but this is decidedly more irritating. When this happens, assign the sink-cleaning chore to the guiltiest parties.
10. Untrained Baggers
This is a common pet peeve unless you do not have issues with mashed bread, cold and warm items sacked together, and cleaning products thrown in with any type of food – well, who doesn’t have a problem with that? The baggers, evidently, must have been trained for speed rather than categorization.
Place the items on the conveyor belt as you would like them to be packed together. Stand next to the bagger and give polite direction, or take your own cloth bags; then you will likely be left to happily bag your own.
11. “Made in China”
This has nothing to do with Chinese culture or actual people, but with economics. When the almighty dollar is more important than the economic future of our nation … Well that is another topic. Buy American, if you can find it. And if you cannot, ask to speak to the store manager or owner and request more American-made products.
12. Faulty Fast-Food Communication Systems.
When some devices are on their last leg, hearing and being heard is of such a poor quality that it would be funny if it was not so irksome.
Upon reaching the drive-through window of a McDonalds in Harrisonville, Missouri, after a particularly taxing order, we asked the elderly lady if her job was difficult. She nodded and said, “I have been a bus driver and took care of two sets of twins.
This job is the most stressful thing I have ever done.” But by the time we passed to the next window, she was smiling. It helps to show sympathy and understanding to service personnel.
13. Discontinued Products
It is a major pet peeve to find the perfect shade of lipstick, flavor of toothpaste, shampoo product – and then it is discontinued. Two words: Stock up.
14. People Touching Your Food or Drink
It can irk you when you notice someone touch the rim of your glass when handing it to you. Or how about a server who touches your food as she sets it down? Have you ever seen people lean over your plate or drink as they talk?
OCD sufferers will sympathize. Germs and bodily fluids are to be feared above all! (Can we have a show of hands for all those who call themselves Adrian Monk?) There is no reason to become hyper in your response; a simple and polite request should do it. Preaching about germs might help, too. It will not change all of the care-free people around you, but you will gain a reputation and people will begin to respect your territory.
Whether you are a janitor, professor, editor or dentist, you have your own set of pet peeves. Your pet peeve likely leaves you feeling peevish because you are helpless to do anything about it, or the objects of your pet peeves refuse to change their behavior. Likely you have come up with your own coping skills, but if the objects of your pet peeves still drive you up the wall, try laughter.
Are You A Stress Case?
Jobs, bosses, colleagues, family, money, and time...stress creeps into life from all angles. Do you ever wonder if you are a stress case? Do you know the symptoms of stress? Take this stress quiz to discover how you might react to various stress-related scenarios and learn ways to reduce stress.
If you don’t need to drive, then ride the bus. If you do need to drive, go out of your way to avoid a busy highway. Country roads can be particularly peaceful, unless you get stuck behind one of those barn-size tractors going five miles an hour.
7. Waiters with Bad Timing
Effusive waiters are a little easier to take than those who abandon you completely. It is easier to understand why they park themselves casually in a seat and start chatting. You know they are working really hard to get that substantial tip.
Some people actually like that kind of thing – how is he to know you have about five miles of personal space floating around you? There is no excuse for the negligent waiter. Flag down the busboy and give the tip to him after he hustles up some help.
8. Know-It-Alls
What is worse than people who say “I know” after you explain something. Especially when you know there is no way they can really know. OK, maybe they did know, but it was rude of them not to pretend they didn’t so you could tell your little anecdote or share your fact. (Now who is the know-it-all?) People who stick their nose into your business, however, are a peevishly different matter.
Miss Manners (aka etiquette guru Judith Martin) recommends looking shocked and repeating “Excuse me?” until they leave you alone.
9. Toothpaste Globs
You thought the toilet paper and toilet seat would be here, but this is decidedly more irritating. When this happens, assign the sink-cleaning chore to the guiltiest parties.
10. Untrained Baggers
This is a common pet peeve unless you do not have issues with mashed bread, cold and warm items sacked together, and cleaning products thrown in with any type of food – well, who doesn’t have a problem with that? The baggers, evidently, must have been trained for speed rather than categorization.
Place the items on the conveyor belt as you would like them to be packed together. Stand next to the bagger and give polite direction, or take your own cloth bags; then you will likely be left to happily bag your own.
11. “Made in China”
This has nothing to do with Chinese culture or actual people, but with economics. When the almighty dollar is more important than the economic future of our nation … Well that is another topic. Buy American, if you can find it. And if you cannot, ask to speak to the store manager or owner and request more American-made products.
12. Faulty Fast-Food Communication Systems.
When some devices are on their last leg, hearing and being heard is of such a poor quality that it would be funny if it was not so irksome.
Upon reaching the drive-through window of a McDonalds in Harrisonville, Missouri, after a particularly taxing order, we asked the elderly lady if her job was difficult. She nodded and said, “I have been a bus driver and took care of two sets of twins.
This job is the most stressful thing I have ever done.” But by the time we passed to the next window, she was smiling. It helps to show sympathy and understanding to service personnel.
13. Discontinued Products
It is a major pet peeve to find the perfect shade of lipstick, flavor of toothpaste, shampoo product – and then it is discontinued. Two words: Stock up.
14. People Touching Your Food or Drink
It can irk you when you notice someone touch the rim of your glass when handing it to you. Or how about a server who touches your food as she sets it down? Have you ever seen people lean over your plate or drink as they talk?
OCD sufferers will sympathize. Germs and bodily fluids are to be feared above all! (Can we have a show of hands for all those who call themselves Adrian Monk?) There is no reason to become hyper in your response; a simple and polite request should do it. Preaching about germs might help, too. It will not change all of the care-free people around you, but you will gain a reputation and people will begin to respect your territory.
Whether you are a janitor, professor, editor or dentist, you have your own set of pet peeves. Your pet peeve likely leaves you feeling peevish because you are helpless to do anything about it, or the objects of your pet peeves refuse to change their behavior. Likely you have come up with your own coping skills, but if the objects of your pet peeves still drive you up the wall, try laughter.
Are You A Stress Case?
Jobs, bosses, colleagues, family, money, and time...stress creeps into life from all angles. Do you ever wonder if you are a stress case? Do you know the symptoms of stress? Take this stress quiz to discover how you might react to various stress-related scenarios and learn ways to reduce stress.
Pet peeves can raise your blood pressure faster than salty potato chips. What can you do?
This is an especially strong pet peeve when coming from anyone younger than you are. Wouldn’t it be nice to counteract all of the rudeness in the world with the perfect comeback? Cheer up; “whatever” is a fad word and sure to become “so yesterday” any day now. We can only hope.
The attitude behind it is the problem. Brush it off if you think it was used as the young person’s attempt to be funny or hip, and back off if it was his way of saying, “You have pushed me too far.” In more disrespectful situations, you might try feigning deafness or act clueless to deflate the punchline effect. “Whatever, what? What does that mean?”
Talking Through the Movie
What can be worse than watching a movie with someone who insists on talking about it as you watch, and sometimes revealing what is about to come next? This is bad enough if it is someone sitting behind you in the movie theatre; it is even worse if it is your own friend or partner.
The answer: ear plugs. Smile and nod pleasantly, and giggle at the appropriate moments.
4. Gum Smacking
You could make up your own Dr. House-ism: “Wow, you look amazingly like the Jersey cow my parents bought me that I never wanted.” Well, perhaps sarcasm is not the polite response. Instead of screaming maniacally with insanity, picture the person as a Jersey cow. (Maniacal laughter is slightly more satisfying.)
5. Food Taken Off Your Plate
After wolfing down his food in three seconds, your partner then goes for yours. Apart from stabbing his fingers with your fork, you might suggest that you will happily share if he will ask first.
6. Lousy Drivers
Other drivers on the road can definitely be a pet peeve for many, especially those who are in a big hurry, honk at you as soon as the light turns green, ride your bumper in a 35 mph zone, or dart in front of you without signaling.
If you don’t need to drive, then ride the bus. If you do need to drive, go out of your way to avoid a busy highway. Country roads can be particularly peaceful, unless you get stuck behind one of those barn-size tractors going five miles an hour.
7. Waiters with Bad Timing
Effusive waiters are a little easier to take than those who abandon you completely. It is easier to understand why they park themselves casually in a seat and start chatting. You know they are working really hard to get that substantial tip.
Some people actually like that kind of thing – how is he to know you have about five miles of personal space floating around you? There is no excuse for the negligent waiter. Flag down the busboy and give the tip to him after he hustles up some help.
8. Know-It-Alls
What is worse than people who say “I know” after you explain something. Especially when you know there is no way they can really know. OK, maybe they did know, but it was rude of them not to pretend they didn’t so you could tell your little anecdote or share your fact. (Now who is the know-it-all?) People who stick their nose into your business, however, are a peevishly different matter.
Miss Manners (aka etiquette guru Judith Martin) recommends looking shocked and repeating “Excuse me?” until they leave you alone.
9. Toothpaste Globs
You thought the toilet paper and toilet seat would be here, but this is decidedly more irritating. When this happens, assign the sink-cleaning chore to the guiltiest parties.
10. Untrained Baggers
This is a common pet peeve unless you do not have issues with mashed bread, cold and warm items sacked together, and cleaning products thrown in with any type of food – well, who doesn’t have a problem with that? The baggers, evidently, must have been trained for speed rather than categorization.
Place the items on the conveyor belt as you would like them to be packed together. Stand next to the bagger and give polite direction, or take your own cloth bags; then you will likely be left to happily bag your own.
11. “Made in China”
This has nothing to do with Chinese culture or actual people, but with economics. When the almighty dollar is more important than the economic future of our nation … Well that is another topic. Buy American, if you can find it. And if you cannot, ask to speak to the store manager or owner and request more American-made products.
12. Faulty Fast-Food Communication Systems.
When some devices are on their last leg, hearing and being heard is of such a poor quality that it would be funny if it was not so irksome.
Upon reaching the drive-through window of a McDonalds in Harrisonville, Missouri, after a particularly taxing order, we asked the elderly lady if her job was difficult. She nodded and said, “I have been a bus driver and took care of two sets of twins.
This job is the most stressful thing I have ever done.” But by the time we passed to the next window, she was smiling. It helps to show sympathy and understanding to service personnel.
13. Discontinued Products
It is a major pet peeve to find the perfect shade of lipstick, flavor of toothpaste, shampoo product – and then it is discontinued. Two words: Stock up.
14. People Touching Your Food or Drink
It can irk you when you notice someone touch the rim of your glass when handing it to you. Or how about a server who touches your food as she sets it down? Have you ever seen people lean over your plate or drink as they talk?
OCD sufferers will sympathize. Germs and bodily fluids are to be feared above all! (Can we have a show of hands for all those who call themselves Adrian Monk?) There is no reason to become hyper in your response; a simple and polite request should do it. Preaching about germs might help, too. It will not change all of the care-free people around you, but you will gain a reputation and people will begin to respect your territory.
Whether you are a janitor, professor, editor or dentist, you have your own set of pet peeves. Your pet peeve likely leaves you feeling peevish because you are helpless to do anything about it, or the objects of your pet peeves refuse to change their behavior. Likely you have come up with your own coping skills, but if the objects of your pet peeves still drive you up the wall, try laughter.
Are You A Stress Case?
Jobs, bosses, colleagues, family, money, and time...stress creeps into life from all angles. Do you ever wonder if you are a stress case? Do you know the symptoms of stress? Take this stress quiz to discover how you might react to various stress-related scenarios and learn ways to reduce stress.
If you don’t need to drive, then ride the bus. If you do need to drive, go out of your way to avoid a busy highway. Country roads can be particularly peaceful, unless you get stuck behind one of those barn-size tractors going five miles an hour.
7. Waiters with Bad Timing
Effusive waiters are a little easier to take than those who abandon you completely. It is easier to understand why they park themselves casually in a seat and start chatting. You know they are working really hard to get that substantial tip.
Some people actually like that kind of thing – how is he to know you have about five miles of personal space floating around you? There is no excuse for the negligent waiter. Flag down the busboy and give the tip to him after he hustles up some help.
8. Know-It-Alls
What is worse than people who say “I know” after you explain something. Especially when you know there is no way they can really know. OK, maybe they did know, but it was rude of them not to pretend they didn’t so you could tell your little anecdote or share your fact. (Now who is the know-it-all?) People who stick their nose into your business, however, are a peevishly different matter.
Miss Manners (aka etiquette guru Judith Martin) recommends looking shocked and repeating “Excuse me?” until they leave you alone.
9. Toothpaste Globs
You thought the toilet paper and toilet seat would be here, but this is decidedly more irritating. When this happens, assign the sink-cleaning chore to the guiltiest parties.
10. Untrained Baggers
This is a common pet peeve unless you do not have issues with mashed bread, cold and warm items sacked together, and cleaning products thrown in with any type of food – well, who doesn’t have a problem with that? The baggers, evidently, must have been trained for speed rather than categorization.
Place the items on the conveyor belt as you would like them to be packed together. Stand next to the bagger and give polite direction, or take your own cloth bags; then you will likely be left to happily bag your own.
11. “Made in China”
This has nothing to do with Chinese culture or actual people, but with economics. When the almighty dollar is more important than the economic future of our nation … Well that is another topic. Buy American, if you can find it. And if you cannot, ask to speak to the store manager or owner and request more American-made products.
12. Faulty Fast-Food Communication Systems.
When some devices are on their last leg, hearing and being heard is of such a poor quality that it would be funny if it was not so irksome.
Upon reaching the drive-through window of a McDonalds in Harrisonville, Missouri, after a particularly taxing order, we asked the elderly lady if her job was difficult. She nodded and said, “I have been a bus driver and took care of two sets of twins.
This job is the most stressful thing I have ever done.” But by the time we passed to the next window, she was smiling. It helps to show sympathy and understanding to service personnel.
13. Discontinued Products
It is a major pet peeve to find the perfect shade of lipstick, flavor of toothpaste, shampoo product – and then it is discontinued. Two words: Stock up.
14. People Touching Your Food or Drink
It can irk you when you notice someone touch the rim of your glass when handing it to you. Or how about a server who touches your food as she sets it down? Have you ever seen people lean over your plate or drink as they talk?
OCD sufferers will sympathize. Germs and bodily fluids are to be feared above all! (Can we have a show of hands for all those who call themselves Adrian Monk?) There is no reason to become hyper in your response; a simple and polite request should do it. Preaching about germs might help, too. It will not change all of the care-free people around you, but you will gain a reputation and people will begin to respect your territory.
Whether you are a janitor, professor, editor or dentist, you have your own set of pet peeves. Your pet peeve likely leaves you feeling peevish because you are helpless to do anything about it, or the objects of your pet peeves refuse to change their behavior. Likely you have come up with your own coping skills, but if the objects of your pet peeves still drive you up the wall, try laughter.
Are You A Stress Case?
Jobs, bosses, colleagues, family, money, and time...stress creeps into life from all angles. Do you ever wonder if you are a stress case? Do you know the symptoms of stress? Take this stress quiz to discover how you might react to various stress-related scenarios and learn ways to reduce stress.
If you don’t need to drive, then ride the bus. If you do need to drive, go out of your way to avoid a busy highway. Country roads can be particularly peaceful, unless you get stuck behind one of those barn-size tractors going five miles an hour.
7. Waiters with Bad Timing
Effusive waiters are a little easier to take than those who abandon you completely. It is easier to understand why they park themselves casually in a seat and start chatting. You know they are working really hard to get that substantial tip.
Some people actually like that kind of thing – how is he to know you have about five miles of personal space floating around you? There is no excuse for the negligent waiter. Flag down the busboy and give the tip to him after he hustles up some help.
8. Know-It-Alls
What is worse than people who say “I know” after you explain something. Especially when you know there is no way they can really know. OK, maybe they did know, but it was rude of them not to pretend they didn’t so you could tell your little anecdote or share your fact. (Now who is the know-it-all?) People who stick their nose into your business, however, are a peevishly different matter.
Miss Manners (aka etiquette guru Judith Martin) recommends looking shocked and repeating “Excuse me?” until they leave you alone.
9. Toothpaste Globs
You thought the toilet paper and toilet seat would be here, but this is decidedly more irritating. When this happens, assign the sink-cleaning chore to the guiltiest parties.
10. Untrained Baggers
This is a common pet peeve unless you do not have issues with mashed bread, cold and warm items sacked together, and cleaning products thrown in with any type of food – well, who doesn’t have a problem with that? The baggers, evidently, must have been trained for speed rather than categorization.
Place the items on the conveyor belt as you would like them to be packed together. Stand next to the bagger and give polite direction, or take your own cloth bags; then you will likely be left to happily bag your own.
11. “Made in China”
This has nothing to do with Chinese culture or actual people, but with economics. When the almighty dollar is more important than the economic future of our nation … Well that is another topic. Buy American, if you can find it. And if you cannot, ask to speak to the store manager or owner and request more American-made products.
12. Faulty Fast-Food Communication Systems.
When some devices are on their last leg, hearing and being heard is of such a poor quality that it would be funny if it was not so irksome.
Upon reaching the drive-through window of a McDonalds in Harrisonville, Missouri, after a particularly taxing order, we asked the elderly lady if her job was difficult. She nodded and said, “I have been a bus driver and took care of two sets of twins.
This job is the most stressful thing I have ever done.” But by the time we passed to the next window, she was smiling. It helps to show sympathy and understanding to service personnel.
13. Discontinued Products
It is a major pet peeve to find the perfect shade of lipstick, flavor of toothpaste, shampoo product – and then it is discontinued. Two words: Stock up.
14. People Touching Your Food or Drink
It can irk you when you notice someone touch the rim of your glass when handing it to you. Or how about a server who touches your food as she sets it down? Have you ever seen people lean over your plate or drink as they talk?
OCD sufferers will sympathize. Germs and bodily fluids are to be feared above all! (Can we have a show of hands for all those who call themselves Adrian Monk?) There is no reason to become hyper in your response; a simple and polite request should do it. Preaching about germs might help, too. It will not change all of the care-free people around you, but you will gain a reputation and people will begin to respect your territory.
Whether you are a janitor, professor, editor or dentist, you have your own set of pet peeves. Your pet peeve likely leaves you feeling peevish because you are helpless to do anything about it, or the objects of your pet peeves refuse to change their behavior. Likely you have come up with your own coping skills, but if the objects of your pet peeves still drive you up the wall, try laughter.
Are You A Stress Case?
Jobs, bosses, colleagues, family, money, and time...stress creeps into life from all angles. Do you ever wonder if you are a stress case? Do you know the symptoms of stress? Take this stress quiz to discover how you might react to various stress-related scenarios and learn ways to reduce stress.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
I couldn't be prouder of my oldest granddaughter...

just am so proud of her…Her name is Shai’ana and she is 16 1/2…she organizes and rallies with the best of causes..this one she helped organize and left school early yesterday to attend this march in Center City Philadelphia yesterday..she organizes clothing drives and volunteer organizations for her and her friends to walk dogs at the SPCA…shes always doing community service and I couldnt be any prouder….
this is from her momma...
so proud of my bighead Shai'Ana Junai what a fine young lady she is turning out to be!!! she can check that attitude at the door tho,but she definetly gets it from her mama (~.~) who got it from her mama Brenda DiDomenico Moultrie who definetly got it from her mama ...lmao!! stand for something or fall for anything
I am trying to keep up with Shai's activities...I don't seem to have any pictures of her volunteer work at the SPCA..will have to see if I can ahold of some...Shai is a leader and an organizer..she likes doing that stuff...she likes delegating duties...and she likes to keep records of an itinerary or duties or the purpose of what it is thats shes doing...I wonder what she will be when she gets out there in the world...what she will ultimately do...journalism?? teacher?? congresswoman?? PRESIDENT??
Promise yourself to be strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel like there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and expect only the best.
To be just enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living person you meet a smile.
To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, and too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble…
A womans Creed
If you think you are beaten, you are
If you think you dare not, you don’t
If you’d like to win,but think you can’t
It is almost a cinch you won’t
If you think you’ll lose…you’re lost
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a persons will
Its all in a state of mind
Lifes battles don’t always go
to the stronger or faster hand
But sooner or later..the person who wins
Is the one whos thinks “I can”
May your joys be as bright as the morning,
And your sorrows merely be shadows that fade,
In the sunlight of love.
May you have enough
happiness to keep you sweet.
Enough trials to keep you strong.
Enough sorrows to keep you human.
Enough hope to keep you happy.
Enough failure to keep you humble.
Enough success to keep you eager.
Enough friends to give you comfort.
Enough faith and courage in yourself to banish sadness.
Enough wealth to meet your needs.
And one thing more: enough
determination to make each day a more wonderful day
than the day before.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
We didnt have the Green thing back in my day (not written by me)
someone posted this in Bonanza and I loved it...I can relate to most of these...Although Pampers just came out when I had my first baby..I did use cloth diapers for awhile..then I admit I used the disposables for all 4 of my children..I thought like every one else did ..that it was the thing to do...
In the line at the store, the cashier told the older woman that plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The woman apologized to her and explained, “We didn’t have the green thing back in my day.”
That’s right, they didn’t have the green thing in her day. Back then,
they returned their milk bottles, Coke bottles, and beer bottles to
the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, using the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled.
But they didn’t have the green thing back in her day.
In her day, they walked up stairs, because they didn’t have an
escalator in every store and office building. They walked to the
grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every
time they had to go two blocks.
But she’s right. They didn’t have the green thing in her day.
Back then, they washed the baby’s diapers because they didn’t have
the throw-away kind. They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy
gobbling machine burning up 220 volts – wind and solar power really
did dry the clothes. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing.
But that old lady is right, they didn’t have the green thing back in her day.
Back then, they had one TV, or radio, in the house – not a TV in
every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a pizza dish,
not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, they
blended and stirred by hand because they didn’t have electric
machines to do everything for you. When they packaged a fragile item
to send in the mail, they used wadded up newspaper to cushion it, not
styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.
Back then, they didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to
cut the lawn. They used a push mower that ran on human power.. They exercised by working so they didn’t need to go to a health club to run on
treadmills that operate on electricity.
But she’s right, they didn’t have the green thing back then.
They drank from a fountain when they were thirsty, instead of using a
cup or a plastic bottle every time they had a drink of water. They
refilled pens with ink, instead of buying a new pen, and they
replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the
whole razor just because the blade got dull.
But they didn’t have the green thing back then.
Back then, people took the streetcar and kids rode their bikes to
school or rode the school bus, instead of turning their moms into a
24-hour taxi service. They had one electrical outlet in a room, not
an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And they
didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from
satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest
pizza joint.
But they didn’t have the green thing back then!
Just a little note for those here that have those carry bags made in China, its been found that they contain LEAD and are being pulled out of stores.
So dump them.
In the line at the store, the cashier told the older woman that plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. The woman apologized to her and explained, “We didn’t have the green thing back in my day.”
That’s right, they didn’t have the green thing in her day. Back then,
they returned their milk bottles, Coke bottles, and beer bottles to
the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, using the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled.
But they didn’t have the green thing back in her day.
In her day, they walked up stairs, because they didn’t have an
escalator in every store and office building. They walked to the
grocery store and didn’t climb into a 300-horsepower machine every
time they had to go two blocks.
But she’s right. They didn’t have the green thing in her day.
Back then, they washed the baby’s diapers because they didn’t have
the throw-away kind. They dried clothes on a line, not in an energy
gobbling machine burning up 220 volts – wind and solar power really
did dry the clothes. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing.
But that old lady is right, they didn’t have the green thing back in her day.
Back then, they had one TV, or radio, in the house – not a TV in
every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a pizza dish,
not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, they
blended and stirred by hand because they didn’t have electric
machines to do everything for you. When they packaged a fragile item
to send in the mail, they used wadded up newspaper to cushion it, not
styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap.
Back then, they didn’t fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to
cut the lawn. They used a push mower that ran on human power.. They exercised by working so they didn’t need to go to a health club to run on
treadmills that operate on electricity.
But she’s right, they didn’t have the green thing back then.
They drank from a fountain when they were thirsty, instead of using a
cup or a plastic bottle every time they had a drink of water. They
refilled pens with ink, instead of buying a new pen, and they
replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the
whole razor just because the blade got dull.
But they didn’t have the green thing back then.
Back then, people took the streetcar and kids rode their bikes to
school or rode the school bus, instead of turning their moms into a
24-hour taxi service. They had one electrical outlet in a room, not
an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And they
didn’t need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from
satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest
pizza joint.
But they didn’t have the green thing back then!
Just a little note for those here that have those carry bags made in China, its been found that they contain LEAD and are being pulled out of stores.
So dump them.
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Yes I say Thank you Lord for letting me see another year..If I can just get about 40 more out of this journey we call Life I would be very pleased...theres so much left for me to do and was a great day..Over 100 birthday wishers from FACEBOOK alone...and then Bonanza ..and many phone calls and a few visits..It was real big hoopla..Bobby got me a cake and him and Dallas and Dellaney brought me up 2 balloons and a lit cake and cookie dough ice cream...I took pictures and Bow came by and gave me two birthday cards.One from him and one from Brayden and Jolie..(they of course dont even know that...) love them all Davina posted a nice graphic and a beautiful poem on of those kind of mushy tearjerker type things that I love..I could never do that for my mom or buy my mom mushy cards..because it would have just been fake or a lie...glad my kids get me mushy sentimental ones..every now and then I get funny ones too ...I like them too..the babies each made me a card...they are so adorable...wished I could have had all the kids...and I will soon...bobby made tacos and my belly is stuffed right now...
this is from my daughter Davina...very nice...
If I could give you diamonds for each tear you cried for me.
If I could give you sapphires for each truth you’ve helped me see.
If I could give you rubies for the heartache that you’ve known
If I could give you pearls for the wisdom that you’ve shown.
Then you’ll have a treasure, mother, that would mount up to the skies
That would almost match the sparkle in your kind and loving eyes.
But I have no pearls, no diamonds, As I’m sure you’re well aware
So I’ll give you gifts more precious My devotion, love and care.
With all my love on your birthday ♥
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
the continuing saga of me and my brothers ..

Well last Wednesday Scott(my youngest brother) called from his work cell phone and said he was in the neighborhood and could he stop by...I said sure and within 10 minutes he was here..It was great to see him as usual..and he looked good..a bit grayer (used to be a carrot top)..hes still thin as always of course..a little pot belly..he didnt get the "fat gene". so we chit chatted and took a few pictures with the new camera I got from my daughter for Christmas...I love my camera...I don't like my picture taken so none of them pictures were good enough for hair was make up on...not even a told me a few things that he found out about my other brother and said he was gonna call our mother for some legal from the death of my grandmother 9 years ago.....the three of us are now all in our 50's and each of us has health issues...we havent spoken to or hadnt seen our brother in almost 9 years...I asked Scotty to ask my mom for our other brothers address that I would love to try to get in touch with see how they're doing...he didnt say anything as he went down the steps to leave....I love you we said to each other like we always say in person and on the phone...I thought about our visit for a long time after he left..I always liked seeing him...he is 5 years younger than me and he is truly my baby brother...
A few days after Scotty's visit I posted this on facebook....
My phone rings tonight and its an unfamiliar number...I don't usually answer a number I dont't recognize...but I answered...the voice on the other end says."Brenda, do you know who this is?' don't know why I didn't recognize the voice right away..., I said , "who is it" , she says "Carol".. I sister in law whom I havent heard from in 8 years...we talked for 2 hours...its a good thing...
I am only posting my comments from the thread..since I dont have the permission of others that commented...
yeah it was a shock. we grew apart after a family incident..we are all in our 50's now and its time to grow old together..thats the plan...
saw my youngest brother the other day after 2 years...what the heck is going on..must be in the stars...
we all have health issues too and I said its time we got serious and take care of ourselves so we can get old old together and our kids can get back together..their youngest son(Dominic) was 7 when I last saw him hes 15 now and remembers me and hollered thru the phone.." I love you Aunt Brenda..."
that's kids have cousins their age they could be playing with :((written by my youngest daughter Jeanell)
woke up off and on all night , like I usually do anyway, but had lots of thoughts and pictures of my brother and sister in law and neices and nephew and their kids on my mind...we are in our 50's now and gray and its been 8 years...we've all changed and the kids are grown and its scary and exciting all at the same time....
Its about time u 2 talk( written by my brother Scotty...refering to me and Carol talking..)
barry called first scott (my other brother those that dont know..the one I saw just the other day and showed his pic on left a message...I didnt see it..then carol called and for some reason I picked up....
Carol and I were friends in junior high and high school...we went to each others pajama parties and to us my brothers were just little punk kids at the time...funny a few years later she wound up marrying my brother Barry....small world...
funny thing about this whole thing is sister in law called my mother the night of the day that my brother Scotty had called her for legal reasons...and he must have told her that he visited me and must have told her MY health issues (he has a few of his own) when Carol called my mother must have told Carol about MY health issues because one of the first things Carol said to me was "Barry tried to call you earlier, he left you a message, we were worried about your health", this is after not speaking for 9 years...Carol got my phone number from my mother who never, ever called me once in life) I ask you my readers...Why didn't my mother call me to inquire about my health....?? I am 58 years old (in about 3 weeks) and she is 78...shes not been a part of my life ...she felt it neccessary to let Carol know about my health..but she wasnt worried enough to call me herself...I swear I never did anything to my mother..I wasn't a kid that got into a LOT of trouble..I grew up in the 60's so take it from there...I had an excellent mom was part of my chlldhood...we never really hung out or anything..I am the only daughter...and she is an only child...her and her mother got closer the older my mom grandmother worked all of her life and my mom had lots of babysitters mother and i grew apart the older I got...she doesnt know my kids..she's seen them and has been in the same room with them and has broken bread with them...we had Christmas at her moms (my favorite person in my life) forever...and me and my chldren would visit my grandmother as often as I could..I worked a lot ..supporting four children on my own...and we would see my mother and her boyfriend on a Sunday if they happened to stop by for dinner on their way home from the mountains...shes never had a conversation with one of my children...and out of my 7 grandchildren she has only ever seen one..the oldest..who is now 16 and my mother hasnt seen her in 9 years those 9 years I had 6 more mom only lives 45 minutes away from me and we have never been invited to her home..I have invited her here but shes never accepted...and so the story goes...will continue later...
Tonight.. Thursday Feb. 24, 2011 my oldest brother Barry called me and we talked a long time ...until his cell died...then he called me back on my sister in laws phone...its been almost 9 years since we talked...he told me his doctor told him to go to the ER tonight or right to his office first thing in the morning..hes going in the morning ..he called our mom right before he called me and he was acting like he was saying goodbye to us...Carol (sister in law) tells me hes giving up...I asked him why hes giving up...we could have at least 40 more years if we just take care of ourselves..we both need to lose lots of weight...We can do this though..He was breathing hard just talking to me on the phone..he was trying to lay down and couldnt breathe...we are not going to live much longer if we keep going on like this..I have to do this ..and then maybe he will do it too...we have to maybe inspire one another...I have 7 grandchildren and he has 4...10 of those 11 are 9 years old and is 16...Barry has a 15 year old son....why does he want to give up?? Don't give up...getting healthy will give us something to do...we will feel better...and thats what I'm looking forward too...Let's do this...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
childhood memories..randomly....
I have a zillion childhood memories…I remember moving to East Fourth Street when I was 5..I loved 4th st…I went to the same elementary school from Kindergarten to 6th grade and grew up right in the small town with all my classmates…I remember the Hermans, and the Friels, were our best neighbors..we always went to the Hermans cause they had a swing set…their dad was a grouch..he didnt like kids..I remember he was bow legged…and he would always tell us he would hang us up on the clothesline by our ears if we were bad…he meant it ..but we thought he was grouchy and funny…they had a playhouse too and about 6 of us would play school a lot…and we would take turns being the teacher and grading papers..what a fun time..then I moved when I was 12…to the same town ..just a bigger house cause me and my brothers were getting older and we needed our own rooms…and more space…I still went to Jr.high with most of the kids I went to elementary school with from 7-9th grade…then high school..10-12 with the same kids…how cool…I still know a lot of them and keep in touch thru facebook, emails, and real life..I loved my childhood…I still love my life..with all the ups and downs a long the way
I remember me and Barb..shes my best friend from birth( our mom were best friends) picking tomoatoes from any garden we saw them in and ate them right then and there..would eat so many my lips would get sore from the acid in them…she lives in Hawaii and we have always been in touch ..but alwas in different parts of the U.S…then 2 years ago we reunited after 43 years…and it was like we never left one was surreal…one day I hope to visit her in Hawaii…
I grew up in the 60’s and things were so much simpler than..we used to hang out when I lived on 4th street mostly at my girlfriend Barbs house all summer long..they had 6 kids and Barb was the second oldest..we hung with her older sister Alma ..they didnt have a lot of money and both parents worked…so they left the 6 home alone..we would always stay around the house and eat ketchup sandwiches sometimes….My mom and their mom were our brownie leaders and we had meetings on Tuesday nights at St Johns Baptist church ..had so much fun…her mom was the craftiest person I knew..she always had us doing some kind of cool craft…miss them days
I remember me and Barb..shes my best friend from birth( our mom were best friends) picking tomoatoes from any garden we saw them in and ate them right then and there..would eat so many my lips would get sore from the acid in them…she lives in Hawaii and we have always been in touch ..but alwas in different parts of the U.S…then 2 years ago we reunited after 43 years…and it was like we never left one was surreal…one day I hope to visit her in Hawaii…
I grew up in the 60’s and things were so much simpler than..we used to hang out when I lived on 4th street mostly at my girlfriend Barbs house all summer long..they had 6 kids and Barb was the second oldest..we hung with her older sister Alma ..they didnt have a lot of money and both parents worked…so they left the 6 home alone..we would always stay around the house and eat ketchup sandwiches sometimes….My mom and their mom were our brownie leaders and we had meetings on Tuesday nights at St Johns Baptist church ..had so much fun…her mom was the craftiest person I knew..she always had us doing some kind of cool craft…miss them days
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Well we are well into the New Year ..Its been quite awhile since I've "blogged". cause sometimes I have so much to say and don't know where to start and other times I have nothing to say....Christmas went according to my plan...I always plan things well....I'm good at to see all 7 of my grandchildren and took pictures of them..and they got to play together for a few hours...the oldest is 16 so she was into her own thing...
We didn't go with tradition this year because as I said in an earlier post daughters are not speaking...its so ridiculous that its not even worth talking about...the tradition since my grandmother passed has been to meet at my house every Christmas..thanksgiving every piece of the family did thier own stay home or go to their significant others families homes for the day...Easter is at my youngest daughters house cause she goes all out ...egg hunts..all the accessories..big ballons outside...even and Easgter treee...shes anal like that...she is like that for birthday parties and Christmas also....people in the neighborhood always comment on the way she decorates outside at any given event...they look forward to it...
this year I said I wasnt having the 2 girls together in my home so that one could say something smart-assed and the other one would respond and all hell would break I decided (along with my daughters) that my oldest daughter would stay at her place with her man...and her kids would come to my youngest daughters home where the rest of us would youngest son came down with his 2kids and brought my oldest sone(they live together now) all worked out..the kids all opened gifts together...and played all day together..we had a great ham dinner and they all went home...I stayed at my youngest daughters until Jan 3...2 weeks I was there...I like being there ...but I have to get home and back to my bed and laptop and my cat roscoe...
I'm not making any resolutions as I usually dont for the New Year...when I quit smoiking it was on April 12,2008...cold turkey...just did it..I geared up for it for about 2 years..not for that date..but just hating myself and every cigarette I lit...I always hated smoking and this is the 5th and final time I quit..I will never smoke again and I know I won't because the torture I put myself thru with every light up and every puff is something I do not want to fill my head with again..I am free and it feels good....I do have a goal to lose 100 lbs this year and I have already started and feeling good..I am simply going to eat sensilbly...I know what I do wrong and I will correct it...get off the chocolate..i get my chocolate fix by having one slim fast shake a day in place of one meal...and I have these Quaker mini rice cake , whole wheat cookies with chocolate and or chocolate mint on them..only 90calories and they are good...I'm eating more fruit and vegetables...I have always loved fruit and veggies..just always reached for the junk instead...I am not saying I'm on a diet...IU ma changing the way I eat...I am lifting weights for about an hour or more a day (not at one time) only 5 lb..weights for now...and I try to move my legs as best I can..I have severe degerative arthritis in my knees , hips and back...and I know I have to lose this weight before I can even have knee replacement..I will complare notes one year from this day to see where I stand on all this talk....I hope to have lost 100 lbs...I need to lose more than that...but I will be so happy with that....I pray for my God to be with me on this journey and help me help myself to stay alive much longer..I have things to see and great granchildren to meet one day....I want to stay around to see what my grandmom used to say...she passed at week after her 90th birthday...after a fall...I miss her and know she is watching over me...I dont want to see her or my dad yet...I know they are safe and one day I will join them...but maybe not for another 40 years....
We didn't go with tradition this year because as I said in an earlier post daughters are not speaking...its so ridiculous that its not even worth talking about...the tradition since my grandmother passed has been to meet at my house every Christmas..thanksgiving every piece of the family did thier own stay home or go to their significant others families homes for the day...Easter is at my youngest daughters house cause she goes all out ...egg hunts..all the accessories..big ballons outside...even and Easgter treee...shes anal like that...she is like that for birthday parties and Christmas also....people in the neighborhood always comment on the way she decorates outside at any given event...they look forward to it...
this year I said I wasnt having the 2 girls together in my home so that one could say something smart-assed and the other one would respond and all hell would break I decided (along with my daughters) that my oldest daughter would stay at her place with her man...and her kids would come to my youngest daughters home where the rest of us would youngest son came down with his 2kids and brought my oldest sone(they live together now) all worked out..the kids all opened gifts together...and played all day together..we had a great ham dinner and they all went home...I stayed at my youngest daughters until Jan 3...2 weeks I was there...I like being there ...but I have to get home and back to my bed and laptop and my cat roscoe...
I'm not making any resolutions as I usually dont for the New Year...when I quit smoiking it was on April 12,2008...cold turkey...just did it..I geared up for it for about 2 years..not for that date..but just hating myself and every cigarette I lit...I always hated smoking and this is the 5th and final time I quit..I will never smoke again and I know I won't because the torture I put myself thru with every light up and every puff is something I do not want to fill my head with again..I am free and it feels good....I do have a goal to lose 100 lbs this year and I have already started and feeling good..I am simply going to eat sensilbly...I know what I do wrong and I will correct it...get off the chocolate..i get my chocolate fix by having one slim fast shake a day in place of one meal...and I have these Quaker mini rice cake , whole wheat cookies with chocolate and or chocolate mint on them..only 90calories and they are good...I'm eating more fruit and vegetables...I have always loved fruit and veggies..just always reached for the junk instead...I am not saying I'm on a diet...IU ma changing the way I eat...I am lifting weights for about an hour or more a day (not at one time) only 5 lb..weights for now...and I try to move my legs as best I can..I have severe degerative arthritis in my knees , hips and back...and I know I have to lose this weight before I can even have knee replacement..I will complare notes one year from this day to see where I stand on all this talk....I hope to have lost 100 lbs...I need to lose more than that...but I will be so happy with that....I pray for my God to be with me on this journey and help me help myself to stay alive much longer..I have things to see and great granchildren to meet one day....I want to stay around to see what my grandmom used to say...she passed at week after her 90th birthday...after a fall...I miss her and know she is watching over me...I dont want to see her or my dad yet...I know they are safe and one day I will join them...but maybe not for another 40 years....
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