I don't want to dwell on this..but I feel like I need to write right now..I try to never question why things happen..I kind of figure theres always a reason..although over time there has been more than one occassion where I questioned? Just like most of us..and theres not an answer really acceptable to me..I have one friend that always tells me its God's Plan...I always try not to argue back with her..I want to say to her but what if it were your child would you feel the same.?.would you just go on like nothing happened in your merry life and just say to yourself..it was Gods plan...?/but I never said that to her...she always writes scripture to me to try to make me understand..I still don't though..I believe like anyone else..God has been with me all my life..thru hills and valleys ..ups and downs..from the depths of hell...God wasn't there this day...he was somewhere else ..taking care of something else..guess he wasn't in China either when 22 children were being slashed at a school...Satan was definetely in Newtown Conneticut and China that day...he sure gets around.....I know that God is everywhere ..but I think his attention was somewhere else at the time..I suppose there will be other times like this in my time...I pray for nothing like this to ever happen again..for all the babies to be safe..learn their ABC's and 123"s..put their little teeth under the pillow for the tooth fairy..to be here to look for the easter egss ..to celbrate birthdays until their old and hunched over..to open their gifts on Christmas morning.. to grow up to be firefighters, doctors, lawyers, chefs, indian chiefs, Presidents..I think God might need an assistant..things are getting way out of control...I think he needs help...I haven't lost my faith in God ..I just lost my faith in Man...years ago..
God Bless the little children
all the little children of the world
red, yellow. black and white,
they are precious in his sight..
God Bless the little children of the world..
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
My Salutation to you is....
I have written this many times on facebook and maybe other places when I see keep Christ in Christmas and say Merry Christmas...the first thing I would like to say is that my Christ will always be in MY Christmas..no matter what salutation I express to anyone else..Christmas is NOT the only holiday in December and I have many friends that celebrate holidays other than Christmas...I have Jewish friends to whom I say Happy Hanukkah..I have African American friends that may celebrate Kwanzaa ..therefore if I know this I say Happy Kwanzaa...If I am standing in line at the bank or walmart or the grocery store and we strike up a conversation ..but our holidays never come up...I may say to you upon departing from you Happy Holidays....which would mean that whatever holiday you celebrate have a happy one and a Happy New Year...simple as that..it in no way means I am taking Christ out of Christmas....So to all my friends Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa...and to all a Happy New Year...
Monday, November 5, 2012
Over the years all of us have seen devastation and turmoil all over the world..even in our own country..Being from the East Coast of the United States we haven't really seen too much devastation..I heard in 1955 and 1965 there were catastrophic Hurricanes the completely battered most of the East coast..I was 2 in 1955 and 12 in 1965 and I dont remember either one..But this one ...this Hurricane Sandy I remember quite well and spose I always will..I have to start out saying how lucky my family and I were during this event....lights never went out..the tree in the front yard of my home as well as the ones in front and behind my daughters home still stand..But a few of my friends as well as the streets across from me lost power...my friends lost it for 6 days..lost all the food in their refrigerator...their car got flooded....across the street from me their power was out for 3 days..I felt so bad and sort of guilty....But it's personal to me ...the Jersey Shore was where my fanily and I used to go every year for two weeks when I was growing up...My parents rented a little apartment type with a kitchen and all right off of the Beach...Long Beach Island..we spent the two weeks along the 18 mile strip of Sea Isle City, Barnegat Light , Long Beach Island, ..we climbed the lighthouse at Barnegat Light several times..we went to carnivals ...I fell asleep on the beach and got sun poison on the back of my legs..so bad that my parents had to hold me over the toilet...I couldnt sit.....Its all gone now..compliments of Hurricane Sandy....I saw the devastation that Hurricane Katrina left in Louisiana and I cried ..It was unbelievable...like ..a war zone..so sad...I felt helpless..as I do now..but watching it on tv now its personal...I knew these places...personally..I've gone to Atlantic City and Wildwood and Egg Harbour and Ocean City with my children..Our footprints are all over New Jersey..When I was 15 I went to Staten Island with a boyfriend and his parents to meet his grandmom...Staten Island is virtually gone...So now I cry for me, for my kids and my grandkids..I cry for the Mayors and the Governors of these states..they have a hell of a job ahead of them and they are taking it personally too...The roller coaster from Atlantic city is in the ocean..The ferris wheel still stands...I know one day we will again vacation in New Jersey...I would bet my bottom dollar on it..I will also bet it won't be the same...
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Just an Ordinary beautiful September morn..
Its been 11 years since the tragedy struck in New York...I don't even have to spell it out.most reading this will know what I'm talking about..I remember coming home home from the night shift from the US postal service..I did my usual..stripped off my clothes. went to the bathroom and got myself a cup of tea..ready to relax and watch the Today morning show with Matt Lauer and Katie Couric..I wasn't sitting for one minute before they were in panic over the first plane hitting one of the towers..we were all shocked..living it together by way of media..then minutes later I remember hearing them saying a second plane had hit..total shock and disbelief ..but almost immediately I remember someone saying "this is no accident".. and the rest as they say is history..I was glued to the tv for the rest of the day ..actually for weeks..I had to know more.. I had to see what was going on..I needed to feel like I was helping just by listening to survivors and families that lost loved ones..seeing pictures being posted,watching video taken of this horrific day in American history..in world history..doesn't really seem like 11 years..I suppose we all remember it like it was not so long ago..I can't even imagine how the families feel every day ..let alone on this anniversary every year..God Bless America..the people who lost their lives, their families and loved ones they left behind ..God Bless us all...
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